
What is ALM (All Labor Movement) Foundation?

The ALM Foundation started as a goal of the founder, Allan McDougall. Allan’s lifelong dream is to help people through a non-profit, 501-C3 organization. In fact, his personal credo is to never see through people, but to see people through. Allan has made it a priority in his life to assist people during their time of need.

ALM addresses the tragic consequences of these escalating issues. We work closely with medical and other professionals on the front lines of substance abuse (mental health, suicide prevention, PTSD situations). ALM provides resources for quality treatment with a long history of excellent care with successful outcomes. Through workshops, ALM trains people to recognize the signs and symptoms of these issues so everyone in attendance will be able to assist in the process of healing.

EFAP+ Program



EFAP+ Program

Through the ALM Foundation, the EFAP+ program was developed. This program provides vital connections needed to help individuals through issues such as mental health, drug and alcohol addiction and many other issues often left untreated. This program works in conjunction with businesses to install emergency response teams to better assist the employees that might encounter dangers both physically and mentally. EFAP+ works with human resources and ownership to provide a safer work environment and improve employee work satisfaction and retention.

Organizations without an EFAP+ Program
have experienced:

Dupont did a survey that for every $1.00 invested in an effective Joint Labor and Company employee assistance program there was a $12.00 return.

Loss of Productivity

Rise in
Health Care Costs

Traffic Accidents – nearly 50% are alcohol related

Personal Tragedies

Workplace Costs = range from 33 billion to 68 billion annually ranging from:

Absenteeism; 4 to 8 times greater (alcohol related)
Loss of productivity
– Grievances

ALM Provides:

Awareness and education

Referrals after assessment


Set up of employee assistance programs locally









ALM Foundation saves lives by attacking substance abuse disorders and mental health issues from all sides, including:




Advocating for Needed Change

© 2024 ALM Foundation